msgbox "This is Pirates:Tides Of Fortune calculator. This will Calculate the Cost(G/L)/Rum Consumption/Time to Build/Number of Units",,"PIRATES" 'This section, is for fixed data only' ' This first section, shall be used for Offensive Calculations' var1 = inputbox ("Enter the desired number of Offensive Points","PIRATES") var9 = inputbox ("Enter the percentage of bonus, through upgrade","PIRATES") str9p = var9/100 dim bomArray(3) bomArray(0) = (240*str9p)+240 'Merc' bomArray(1) = 1730 'Cost' bomArray(2) = 2 'rum' bomArray(3) = .67 'Time of production' dim bucArray(3) bucArray(0) = (60*str9p)+60 'Pirate' bucArray(1) = 350 'Cost' bucArray(2) = 1 'rum' bucArray(3) = .165 'Time of production' dim brigArray(3) brigArray(0) = (720*str9p)+720 'Fleet' brigArray(1) = 6323 'Cost' brigArray(2) = 3 'rum' brigArray(3) = 2.28 'Time of production' dim frigArray(3) frigArray(0) = (900*str9p)+900 'Fleet' frigArray(1) = 7610 'Cost' frigArray(2) = 3 'rum' frigArray(3) = 3.05 'Time of production' dim shipArray(3) shipArray(0) = (1440*str9p)+1440 'Armada' shipArray(1) = 15200 'Cost' shipArray(2) = 4 'rum' shipArray(3) = 5.56 'Time of production' dim jugArray(3) jugArray(0) = (1680*str9p)+1680 'Armada' jugArray(1) = 17277 'Cost' jugArray(2) = 4 'rum jugArray(3) = 6.94 'Time of production' str2a = " How Much Rum Would be Consumed:" str3a = " Hours to Produce Needed Units:" str4a = " Cost of Combined Gold/Lumber:" ' ' ' ' str5a = "Buccaneer: How Many Pirates" str5 = var1/bucArray(0) 'number of pirates required' str6 = str5*bucArray(2) 'total rum consumed' str7 = str5*bucArray(3) 'toatal time to produce units needed' str8 = str5*bucArray(1) 'total cost of resource production,gold/lumber' wscript.echo str5a, str5, str2a, str6, str3a, str7, str4a, str8 ' ' str55a = "Bombardier: How Many Mercs" str55 = var1/bomArray(0) 'number of mercs required' str66 = str55*bomArray(2) 'total rum consumed' str77 = str55*bomArray(3) 'toatal time to produce units needed' str88 = str55*bomArray(1) 'total cost of resource production,gold/lumber' wscript.echo str55a, str55, str2a, str66, str3a, str77, str4a, str88 ' ' str1a = " BRIGATINE: How Many Ships:" str1 = var1/brigArray(0) 'number of ships required' str2 = str1*brigArray(2) 'total rum consumed' str3 = str1*brigArray(3) 'toatal time to produce units needed' str4 = str1*brigArray(1) 'total cost of resource production,gold/lumber' ''------------------TEST AREA-------------------'' ''dim bArray(4) ''bArray(0) = "BRIGATINE: How Many Ships" ''bArray(1) = var1/brigArray(0) 'number of ships required' ''bArray(2) = str1*brigArray(2) 'total rum consumed' ''bArray(3) = str1*brigArray(3) 'toatal time to produce units needed' ''bArray(4) = str1*brigArray(1) 'total cost of resource production,gold/lumber' '' ''For Each ship In bArray ''wscript.echo(ship) ''wscript.echo("
")' ''Next ''------------------TEST AREA-------------------'' wscript.echo str1a, str1, str2a, str2, str3a, str3, str4a, str4 ' ' str11a = "FRIGATE: How Many Ships" str11 = var1/frigArray(0) 'number of ships required' str22 = str11*frigArray(2) 'total rum consumed' str33 = str11*frigArray(3) 'toatal time to produce units needed' str44 = str11*frigArray(1) 'total cost of resource production,gold/lumber' wscript.echo str11a, str11, str2a, str22, str3a, str33, str4a, str44 ' ' str111a = "SHIP OF THE LINE: How Many Ships" str111 = var1/shipArray(0) 'number of ships required' str222 = str111*shipArray(2) 'total rum consumed' str333 = str111*shipArray(3) 'toatal time to produce units needed' str444 = str111*shipArray(1) 'total cost of resource production,gold/lumber' wscript.echo str111a, str111, str2a, str222, str3a, str333, str4a, str444 ' ' str1111a = "JUGGERNAUT: How Many Ships" str1111 = var1/jugArray(0) 'number of ships required' str2222 = str1111*jugArray(2) 'total rum consumed' str3333 = str1111*jugArray(3) 'toatal time to produce units needed' str4444 = str1111*jugArray(1) 'total cost of resource production,gold/lumber' wscript.echo str1111a, str1111, str2a, str2222, str3a, str3333, str4a, str4444 ' ' ''var2 = inputbox "Enter the desired number of Defensive Points"''